Thursday, September 20, 2012

Rhetorical Response Remix

There are a lot of ways to be memorable, too many to detail here, but I think these are a good three to start with. Watch this video and witness the power of weird.

The Misconception of Copyright

Copyright was originally intended to promote creation, and for awhile it worked the way it was supposed to. Now it is part of a system that largely ignores the small inventor and promotes the big company.  My opinion is that it no longer serves the function of encouraging new creations. At best, copyright extends the life of already successful products for the benefit of the publisher, more-so than for the benefit of the original author of the work. How does this factor into the benefit of our nation? That question assumes that our government still functions to support our nation, the only reason it exists. Yet, and this line of thought is for a different blogger to expound on, it seems that the congressmen of our government are as individualistically driven as the people they govern. 

When it comes to supporting the creator copyright needs to be less protective. That might seem counter-intuitive, but creators only need to get their product out into the world where a sufficient amount of acknowledgment can happen. Once this feat is accomplished, copyright no longer has a function to serve in this one's humble opinion. 

This video does a great job of explaining the irrelevancy of copyright to the individual creator.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012